Keen eyed viewers will probably spot a pre-Big Trouble In Little China, Carter Wong in this otherwise woefully non-engaging cut & paste crap-fest as served up by that stalwart of grandiose cinematic ineptitude, Mr Godfrey Ho (allegedly). This one struggles right from the very start in fact, as although this is ostensibly set between the first and second world wars, the segments featuring the western actors proudly show off the fact that they are attired in modern day suits and jewellery and even speak in modern lingo(!!!!) Whilst it is undeniably true that such typical gross incompetence on the part of IFD is very often a source of much mirth in these flicks, here it sadly falls entirely flat on account of the horrific boredom that so predominantly permeates proceedings throughout. In fact, I highly recommend skipping this one altogether and popping in one of Godfrey Ho's numerous ninja flicks instead; Now they are GOOD quality crap.