An astronaut, John Blackstar, has been sucked through a blackhole and stranded on the mysterious planet Sagar, where he teams up with the native group of Trobbits, Klone, a shape changing dragon man, and Mara the Enchantress, and with the power of the Star Sword to defeat the Overlord who wishes to take over all of Sagar. Not to be confused with the Bowie album or Mos Def/Talib Kweli colab, this Blackstar was released in 1981, just two years before its spiritual successor He-Man. Any who know of He-Man will notice the plot of Blackstar (including a split sword with two halves of power) was copied over for the later series, which was created by the same animation studio Filmation. Blackstar draws from many before it, namely John Carter of Mars and Buck Rogers, but definitely has its own "children's cartoon" classic subtleties. The series only aired for a single season before being re-syndicated continually, causing a toy line to be created 2 years after it originally aired in 1983. "Wait... we can make a children's TV show to sell children's toys!?" realized the execs, and quickly formulated He-Man with the goal for bring 4-8 inch plastic models into the homes of children everywhere. As a big fan of He-Man, I had to check out this progenitor eventually, as it lead to many of the greats, but as the first step in a mediocre to begin with genre, its still not that good of a show. If you're someone who would already flip on an episode of He-Man, She-Ra, Transformers, or similar and haven't seen this, then I would highly recommend it, but for the rest of the world, you can likely pass.