About 8 years ago, my friends and I went to a local video store right before the local movie gallery moved into town and shut them all down.
Anyway, one of my friends picked out this little "gem," thinking it may have been something else. We were looking for some run of the mill horror movies, and got something we didn't expect. Its basically all you would expect from any hardcore porn flick from the 70's, if that's your thing. The "story" centers around vampires, demons and a succubus who, in their sordid ways, cause mischief and more through sex acts.
This movie was awful, with a grainy look to it reminiscent of a grindhouse look. Kudos on the sets and the costumes though, which for a porn was actually good.
Beginning with very graphic scenes and ending in a way which would make you sick (lol) considering the angle they take it in, this is one movie which, if you're a collector of old movies of this genre would be a welcome addition to yours, however if not stay away.