Although the original Disney cartoon for the 101 Dalmations was, in my very humble opinion, an awesome show, the series left much to be desired.
Instead of being cute, or old fashioned, or even great storytelling, the series focused on several of the puppies themselves as they were growing up on a farm. The recurring characters are mostly the puppies along with a few other animals thrown in for some diversity.
I think that perhaps if I were much younger, and this was one of my choices for a morning viewing, I would most certainly review my options to see if anything else caught my fancy. Considering this as a choice only if nothing else suited my early morning cartoon desires.
I do like the fact that most every episode teaches some sort of lesson, and it does so without the requirement of going the gross path that some modern cartoons are going, but then I would expect little else of Disney and thus I place them a little higher on the expectation pedestal.
Just my opinion. I hope that you give the show a shot for yourself and then make your own opinion.