A naïve young woman follows her older sister into what turns out to be a prostitution ring.
The wild and wicked. Heck, the only thing wild and wicked about this 60-minutes is a fleeting glimpse of a bare butt. Otherwise it amounts to a fashion parade at what looks like a mountain dude ranch, where everyone sits around like a nightclub. There's not even a passionate clinch to suggest what might be going on in the rooms. Oh sure, there's plenty of polite innuendo about what's being served up here, bordello style. But nothing that might offend 1950 norms, even the exploitative kind. Then there's the most poorly staged shootout on record, I guess to inject a little action, since we're not getting any other kind.
Have to agree with Mark D-2, however. Lisa Rack delivers an A-grade performance as Paula, while the pert Joy Reynolds manages a pretty good Debbie Reynolds. And what a burst of inspiration getting that wizened old hooker to put in a sudden jolting appearance. But what's with the ending. It's like someone tripped over the tripod and decided to call it a wrap. Did they run out of film. Anyhow, the movie does prove how tightly the 1950's lid was clamped down, even on supposedly disreputable flicks like this one.