When I found this film on an old VHS at the university film library, I didn't know what to expect. I had never heard of the director, never heard of any of the actors, indeed, never heard of the film.
It's hard to find words to describe it. The only comparison I can think of is, perhaps, a song by The Cure - an emotionally touching, beautiful tale of love, that is filled with a sense of melancholy and moodiness, and yet never falls into melodrama or self-pity.
Some might find the sex a little explicit. But then again, this is a film about relationships, relationships that consist of little more than sex... it only seems natural that the intimacy should be given its fair share of screen time. Still, the sex never threatens to overwhelm the rest of the film - this is no 'soft-porn' dressed up as art, by any means.
Anybody who has ever felt isolated or lonely should get something out of this film. Delphine Zingg's beauty is matched by the gentle, sometimes removed, camera-work; the dialogue, while at times dense and philosophical, nevertheless has its own beauty.
From what I'm aware, this film hasn't even been released on DVD. Francesca Comencini doesn't seem to have directed anything else of note, and Zingg has only acted in a handful of movies. I would strongly recommend getting your hands on this film, somehow... so you too can join me in wondering why Annabelle Partagee is still such an unknown masterpiece.