And the last horse crosses the finishing line! It's actually taken me until now to watch Dolores Claiborne but better late than never.
This is the very final Stephen King adaptation for me and that saddens me as I tend to very much enjoy them.
Starring Kathy Bates, Jennifer Jason Leigh and the excellent Christopher Plummer this thriller blew me away to an extent I simply didn't expect.
Set in New England (As all Stephen King tales tend to be) it tells the story of a woman arrested for the murder of the woman she worked for. Her arrest has lured her estranged daughter back home all the way from New York and results in family secrets being dragged kicking and screaming into the light
Alike most King works the movie heavily relies on flashbacks and it works wonders here. Over the course of over two hours the truth is gradually chipped away at until the highly impressive finale and series of twists.
Kathy Bates & Christopher Plummer are on form as always and take this already masterful tale and truly make the characters their own.
Also starring John C Reilly who would go onto do mostly comedy this is a near perfectly crafted little tale that begs the simple question "Why don't they make movies like this anymore?"
Essential viewing.
The Good:
Cast knock it out of the park
Beautifully written
Very well directed
Stunning location
The Bad:
Nothing springs to mind
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Stephen King needs to write more books so they can adapt them into more movies before I start getting withdrawal symptoms