This is a Hong Kong action comedy sequel, a fast-paced and well-acted movie about mainland Chinese police inspector Cheng Shih-Nan (Carol 'Do Do' Cheng) returning to Hong Kong to do battle with another round of drug dealers, this time partnering up with Hong Kong Police Detective Wu-Hsiung (Waise Lee), cousin of Wu Wei-Kuo (Tony Ka Fai Leung) from the previous movie.
It was entertaining seeing both Nan and Hsiung's methods of operations as they also clash with each other as their Mainland Communist and Hong Kong Capitalist credentials come in full force. But, their relationship was a little more awkward and funny as Nan as a little crush on Hsiung while he already has a girlfriend.
Alfred Cheung returns to plays sidekick Hsiao-Sheng, whom I thought gave a rather hilarious performance, but his superpowers scenes like make bullets fly on its own were a bit too make-believe for this movie. Kau Lam returns as the no-nonsense Nationalist patriot Wu Tien-Tzu, who pops up randomly here and there throughout the movie, and Michael Chow, the villain from the previous movie, appears as another sidekick to Nan.
It's a movie full of action and humor. Plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, especially the parts where Nan falls down the stairs and where her legs shake after going multiple flights of stairs. Another must see!
Grade A-