This film essentially revolves around a middle-aged woman by the name of "Hung" (Bo-Bo-Fung) who worked as a prostitute in her younger days but has since become a madame for a Chinese nightclub. Unlike many of the pimps operating in that area, Hung takes an interest in her girls and has even gone so far as to unofficially adopt one by the name of "Wa" (Carina Lau). For her part, Wa also has affection for Hung who took her in when her real mother was no longer able to take care of her. Unfortunately, the same respect that Wa has for Hung is not reciprocated by Hung's real daughter "Fong Siu-Ling" (Vivian Chow) who has recently made a name for herself as a television actress. And it's because of her ambitions that she does her best to distance herself from her mother even though Hung desperately wants a relationship with her. In addition to Wa, this film also features a couple of other attractive prostitutes named "Eva" (Pauline Chan) and "Yuen Ling-Yuk" (May Mei-Mei Lo) who have problems of their own as they each try to negotiate the difficulties of their profession as well. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film is, for all intents and purposes, a remake of a similarly titled film produced in 1988. One slight difference, however, is that this film incorporates a bit more humor than its predecessor which, interestingly enough, actually lessens the overall drama to a certain extent. Not that this movie doesn't have its fair share of drama. Likewise, this film has about the same number of scenes of a sexual nature--so viewer discretion is advised. Be that as it may, while I certainly don't consider this to be a top-notch film by any means, I suppose it passed the time fairly well, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.