Set in the post-apocalyptic near future of 1998 (this is an 80s flick, remember), Creepozoids sees a group of army deserters breaking into a heavily fortified building (well, the door was locked, anyway) in order to shelter from an acid-rain storm. This turns out to be a bad idea, for the place not only turns out to be home to giant killer rats, but also a biological experiment gone wrong: a virus designed to replace amino acids causes the soldiers to mutate and die if they eat, but worse still, there's a six foot rubber monster on the loose and it ain't very friendly.
Directed by B-movie hack David DeCoteau, and starring Linnea Quigley, the quintessential 80s scream queen (plus a pre-hardcore Ashlyn Gere, here credited as Kim McKamy), this film is a very cheap and very trashy Alien rip-off that manages to be vaguely entertaining thanks to its sheer awfulness: marvel at Quigley's nipple enhancing vest and her uncanny ability to locate a working shower, even in an end-of-the-world scenario; be totally surprised when Gere DOESN'T remove her top; spot the major goof as one character reads a computer journal out loud, but his words fail to match those displayed on the screen; laugh as the cast wrestle with unconvincing, over-sized stuffed rodents; be amazed as DeCoteau foolishly attempts to recreate Ridley Scott's shocking mess-room scene from Alien; and wonder WTF is going on as a mutant baby erupts from the creature and proceeds to attack the sole survivor.