When it was in production, I only began to watch Dynasty in the middle of the second season, the night of the big pillow fight, and I was hooked. VCR's were only a week away at that time and there was nothing like this sort of availability. Anyway, I later viewed the first season on FX in the mid 90's (I think) and wasn't very impressed with it at first, but I was taping them and decided to go back and see the occasional episode. May I say the first season not only grew on me, but it was its very best. No outlandish plots, both rich and "getting-by" classes were depicted as actual human beings. No suspension of disbelief, this was a very credible drama, only to later become a very INcredible circus! I was very well addicted to this circus, and it was very amusing and there were a lot of great lines, etc., not to mention the actors and actresses. I didn't like it when we were pummeled by the cast revolving door, so to speak, and upon Pamela Sue Martin's departure, I didn't think I was going to watch it anymore, but I thought, "what the hay! I didn't have anything special to do on Wednesday nights, anyway, so.....".
Very happy to hear there will be interviews with my two favorite Dynasty-ites, Pamela Sue Martin and Al Corley.
Fallon and Steven aren't number 1 and number 2 favorites, more like 1-A and 1-B Can't wait to get this - the digital transfer ought to be a stunner - I'm sure my two-year-old videos from SoapNet are fading just a little. Did I mention I taped all of these in slow speed?