Even it is old(1980), even its design is simple( but good), this is one of the best anime-movies, even today, 21 years after its production. The plot is original and well-done, mysteries are being revealed in their time, explaining everything without looking like that were forced (by the director or writer) to give a reason to all the story. The mü species was well created, with no lack of sense. It's a future that shows what can happen to us if we continue to destroy our planet, Earth, Terra! And there, thousand of years passed, they want to come back to this lost world. A master-piece of direction, giving you the suspense in the beginning, the sci-fi elements in the middle( showing the mü in their new planet, and the elite process of being born), and the drama in the end. In no time in the anime-movie you know if it will end happy or sad. You raise with the main character, you believe in his dreams, and get frustrated as himself. The great mama manipulates the human DNA in a space ship traveling to nowhere. People don't have sex anymore. And children do not raise and grow naturally. In this controlled chaos a boy has dreams, dreams about a prohibited civilization, about the only hope to open mankind eyes, about the mü society, those who are weak in health but strong in psychic powers. He, this boy, IS the HOPE to the mü, because he is strong in the 2 attributes. Then he meets the Soldier Blue, leader of the mü and knows his fate, get people TOWARD THE TERRA once again, but will he succeed? Find this movie and discover the answer. 10/10, a classic of anime!