After hours upon hours of self education on the intriguing topic of experimental film, I have discovered many filmmakers I otherwise would have never explored, an Takashi Ito is among the most obscure of these filmmakers, despite also being one of the very best. Ito's films are experimental cinema pushed to the highest, mightiest degree. Constant movement, flying through rooms, playing with space and time, fast imagery, supernatural entities, flashing lights, Ito's world is one of manic genius, and "Grim" is one of his most brilliantly delirious works. There is no real plot, and the only character one can discern from the brief piece is some kind of ghostly/otherworldly being that seems to travel at the speed of light through a small city apartment. It's basically a psychedelic trip through the consciousness of the supernatural; a horror fantasy so unconventional it is impossible to really classify it merely as a "horror fantasy". Instead, it is just a piece of art, a piece of art that is unique, amusing, dazzling, and different, a glorious and successful combination!