Long forgotten and short running TV-series is based on John Badham's 'Blue Thunder' starring Roy Scheider. The title is the only thing common between film and TV-series. The series didn't take over where film ended, but it rather created alternate universe or storyline how the Blue Thunder helicopter will serve in the forces. Characters are different - super cool Murphy has been replaced by Chaney (James Farentino), who still has enough charm and coolness in him to carry the show. Also, compared to the film, the show is much more lighthearted - besides Chaney and captain Braddock, all the other characters are there for comic relief. Show also lost all the seriousness and message of the film, turning 'Blue Thunder' series typical '80s action show.
And a typical action show 'Blue Thunder' is. If you're familiar (and grown up with) shows like 'The A-Team', 'Airwolf', 'Magnum P.I.', or any other that kind, 'Blue Thunder' can offer a nice juicy '80s nostalgia boost. Cheesy stories and ridiculous villains (mostly played by well known character actors from that time). Cheap effects and reused aerial shots from the film.