I realise that I'm in a minority here, but on a recent second viewing, I was more than a little disappointed with this series. First time round I was captivated and looked forward to each episode. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see it's faults with its increasingly far fetched plot lines and insufferable canned laughter.
Unlike "Only Fools and Horses", there is very little by way of character development. All seem to be one dimensional and, in at least a couple of instances, poorly acted. I'm thinking here in particular of Daphne Warrender and Les Pinner.
But on a positive note, the early episodes of the first series still stand the test of time some 38 years later and can be enjoyed over and over again. Episode 4 of the third series, "Juanita", contains a very tender scene between Mr and Mrs Warrender when they finally loose their inhibitions and express their deep love for each other, possibly for the first time since their marriage vows.