I am still trying to figure out how Mystery Science Theater 3000 missed this "jewel."
The sight of Miles O'Keefe in a blonde pageboy wig had me screaming with laughter! Had he been in a dress, he would easily have surpassed the "leading lady" in a beauty contest.
As other commentators mentioned, Sean Connery, indeed, should take his James Bond-era firearms training and seriously HURT the agent who put him up for this catastrophe.
The icing on the cake?
Poor Sean with green eyeshadow smeared all over his face... THEN he is decapitated by our "hero" and his head says something truly goofy like, "Body retrieve me," which it does, like a well trained puppy dog, without stumbling over any obstacles, or having to feel around for the head.
It was after that that my best friend's hubby came out of his office and demanded that we change the channel: She and I were laughing so hard that he was afraid that we would do SERIOUS permanent physical injury to ourselves.
Not one to miss, but keep an ice pack handy for your ribs, which will be aching after this.