"Little Gloria...Happy at Last" is a two-part television mini-series about the unhappy childhood and child custody trial for Gloria Vanderbilt.
The story begins with Gloria Morgan meeting and falling for Reggie Vanderbilt. They soon marry, have a child and then Reggie dies...all withing about 2-3 years. The widow soon learns how dire her financial situation is. The alcoholic Reggie apparently blew through almost his entire fortune. Apart from a couple properties, the only other asset is a trust fund for $2,500,000. But since Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt is not yet 21, an executor is appointed to dispense money for little Gloria.
During the next eight or so years, the mother mostly parties and has fun in Europe...while leaving the child to be raised by a goofy nanny...often in a different country. To call the mother neglectful and selfish would be reasonable. When Gloria Morgan later petitions to have herself appointed little Gloria's guardian (and get rid of the court appointed executor), the trial has a surprising twist, as Gloria Morgan's own mother and step-sister file for custody of the child. Is this a selfless thing being done to save poor little Gloria...or is a bid to try to take control of the child's trust fund?
Part one of the story consists of Gloria Morgan and Reggie Vanderbilt meeting, marrying, Reggie dying and the mother and child leaving to live in Europe. Part two picks up just after the petition by Gloria Morgan's mother and step-sister is filed. Most of the second part is about the hysteria and ensuing trial. Through all this, what's best for little Gloria seems secondary...at best.
The reason I watched this mini-series is mostly because it's one of Bette Davis' final performances. She was just fine though wasn't a major character in the shows. Now this doesn't mean the mini-series is bad...just that if you only care about Davis, you might be disappointed.
Overall, this is a very good but also an incredibly sad mini-series. Well acted and well made throughout.