Although "Melvin Purvis G-MAN" had its premier on television in North America, there's evidence to suggest it played in theaters in other countries. The movie was backed by American-International Pictures, for one thing. And the production values are generally good, with a lot of period detail ranging from clothing to automobiles. But whether seen on television or in theaters, I would guess most viewers at the time were disappointed with the movie. Although the title claims the movie will be a grand look at Melvin Purvis, he is actually in less of the movie than you'd think. At times he's an afterthought. And because of his limited use, we don't get a good exploration of his character. As the title figure, Dale Robertson tries, but even he can't juice up his limited character. There was a sequel made to this movie in the following year, but judging from this movie I'll think I'll give it a pass.