Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero, Santo (aka Saint) is a part-time wrestler/part-time private investigator who is called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who maybe murdering female models.
The film is a mess! Badly choreographed wrestling footage is inserted throughout as Santo flies from city to city wrestling while his partners, more or less, solve the crime. Remember Inspector Gadget? Penny and her dog would solve all the cases while Gadget really did nothing, well that is what happens here.
This is the kind of film where the bad guys are more interesting than the good guys, they are definitely more intelligent. What is truly hilarious about this film is the reactions of the other actors as they perform dialogue with Santo. He is a grown man who runs around with a silver ski mask on his head. He wears it everywhere he goes; the bathroom, the airport and the wrestling ring. Maybe I'm not familiar with the customs of Spanish wrestling icons, but to me, it just seems ridiculous. Just once, I wanted someone to rip the mask off of Santo and tell him to grow up! Alas, it never happens. Anyway, the film culminates in true serial-matinee style, with a stand-off between Dr. Death and Santo on a speeding boat as it races for a wall of rock.
After watching this film I found myself wondering who the target audience was. It certainly couldn't be children. Half naked women are everywhere, when they aren't prowling around Death's palace, they are being tortured or dumped into pits of acid. On the other side of the age spectrum, adults will find the film utterly ridiculous and childish.