The Muthers (1976) is a movie that is available on Shudder and Tubi. The storyline follows a group of female pirates whose captain's sister is imprisoned so they decide to get imprisoned themselves so they can rescue her. Can the ladies outsmart the prison guards and successfully escape the prison compound?
This movie is directed by Ciriaco Santiago (The Sisterhood) and stars Jeannie Bell (Mean Streets), Rosanne Katon (Motel Hell), Trina Parks (Diamonds are Forever), Jayne Kennedy (Fighting Mad) and Bert Olivar (Zuma).
The storyline for this was wild and a bit ridiculous. The acting was good enough and the cast was gorgeous. As any prison film from this era it has the shower scenes you'd expect. The props and settings were well selected and made the circumstances feel authentic but the attire didn't always align to the circumstances. The conclusion was straightforward and as you'd expect.
Overall, this was a mediocre addition to the grindhouse genre that I would score a 3.5/10 and recommend seeing once.