This was on A&E for a while then ran its course. I did not mind it some of the shows were spookie, but most were just weird. The conclusion, and answers really stretch logic. I know it makes for good TV, but bad for real life. As a kid I loved the show. Now as an adult I find In Search of weak. Monsters, ghost and UFO's were given too much leeway. I be a hard hitt questions were needed. I found a few of the shows could be true, then others were weird. The missing POW, and life after death were interesting. Over the years I bet it will come back on re runs. Does anyone know if the show is showen in Canada? They had a show about outerspace and the future with the shuttle how dated. Space kids or some 70's things. When did the show go off the air 81? Was there talk about making a new show? I gotta go see ya