This film begins with two scuba divers searching through the wreck of a submerged airplane if the coast of Spain and coming up with a jewel-encrusted ornament known as the Lyttleton-Barry Scepter worth over a million dollars. Treachery immediately unfolds with those possessing the scepter being killed one after another until it is finally seized by the local law enforcement officials and subsequently put on display at the local museum on the island of Ibiza. Not long after the discovery of the scepter is announced, several thieves flock to Ibiza with the intent to obtain this item at all costs. To counter that, government agents are dispatched there as well--but the question soon becomes about whether they are capable of matching wits with these very clever thieves. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film clearly had some potential, but the director (Jose Maria Forque) seemed to lose total control of the narrative which then disintegrated into one bumbling scenario after another--with little humor and nothing of any real consequence being achieved. Not only was Daniela Bianchi's role (as "Mercedes") severely mishandled but the overall character development was terribly inadequate as well. It was a complete mess. That being said, I wasn't at all impressed with this movie and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.