Dean martin is matt helm, once again. In this one, julian wall (karl malden) is the mad scientist who has assigned one of his hit men to knock off the world's top intelligence spies. And of course, helm is on the list! The usual puns and sexual innuendos. Beverly adams is his assistant lovey kravezit. You'll recognize helm's boss james gregory.. he was also detective luger on barney miller. Co stars twenty five year old ann margret, just a couple years after birdie and viva las vegas. And a song by jacqueline fontaine. People travel by hovercraft. Whatever happened to them? A fun adventure. The story doesn't really matter in these capers. Malden rather steals the show in this one, with his various accents, and his assistant (sparv). The band that sings in the disco was the real singing group "dino, desi, and billy". As in dean martin's son, desi arnaz's son, and billy hinsche. It's silly but fun. Directed by henry levin, who also made the ambushers together with martin the following year.