This film begins with an international agent by the name of "Andrew Hoshino" (Akira Takawada) traveling to several countries in the Far East in an effort to locate and eradicate the leader of a gun-smuggling operation in Japan. While there he forms an unlikely alliance with a freelance bomb expert named "Yumi Sawada" (Mie Hama) who sells her expertise to the highest bidder. In this particular case, she just happens to be working for one specific Japanese clan who is at war with another. Also teaming up with him is a Japanese detective by the name of "Tezuka" (Ichiro Arishima) who wants to stop the carnage at all costs. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an interesting "James Bond" type of film which had much more humor than I initially expected. The plot also featured a number of twists and turns which helped to a certain extent as well. In any case, I enjoyed this film for the most part and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.