This is a drama/intrigue/musical film brilliantly performed by Carmen Sevilla, Alberto De Mendoza and Adolfo Marsillach, and professionally directed by José María Forqué. A businessman called Juan (Jardel Filho) has to spend a few hours in a town because of an accident. The man has had a street accident with his car in his way to Buenos Aires, in a town called San Diego. While he waits for his car repairing; suddenly, he discovers that his wife (Carmen Sevilla) grew up there and she was a suspect in the murder of her father. No detail of the story fits him, but he decides to investigate on his own account. So the former life of the young beautiful mother of his daughter involves a thunderous story in which she interacts with various men, a pharmacist (Aldolfo Marsillach) , a simple worker (Alberto de Mendoza) who works at the train station with her father (Guillermo Battaglia), among others. He knows little about her past, but the reactions of the townsfolk towards him range from laughing at his back to practically don't want him around.
The film is a drama, not a musical, although Carmen Sevilla sings a few songs and also dances in an erotic way before the envious and lustful neighbors, who criticize her and make life bitter. This is a mystery movie with two main questions: What is Monica's past? , What dark hidden secrets does she have? . From the beginning a car crash occurs; from now on, being developed long flashbacks containing suspense, thriller and intrigue. Acceptable and passable mystery in which tension, thrills, plot twists and suspenseful incidents take place, even with one violent death. Based on an interesting and surprising storyline from notorious writers as Jaime de Armiñán, Vicente Coello, Alfonso Paso and Jose Maria Forque himself . Forque shoots with artfulness and skillness enough this complex and well-paced flick , moving between the social criticism, musical and suspense movie with twisted love stories. Director develops in adequate manner a few peculiar roles, giving a brief description on each character. The starring is Jardel Filho as Juan who learns that everybody in the little town where he's stuck seem to know about his wife Mónica and he won't leave the town until he could learn more about her secret turbulent past; from now on, a series of flasbacks take place. Being a Spanish/Argentinean co-production the film is full of fine actors from these two countries. The three real protagonists are Carmen Sevilla, Alberto de Mendoza and Jardel Filho giving decent acting. Accompanied by a good support cast, such as: Ana Casares, Enrique Diosdado, Guillermo Battaglia, and Adolfo Marsillach.
It displays an evocative cinematography shot in various Argentine locations by cameraman Ricardo Younis. As well as atmospheric and lively musical score by Augusto Algueró who married Carmen Sevilla. The motion picture was well made by José Maria Forqué, though the film has ups and downs, with some lengthy and unlikely situations that make it lose its sympathy. Forqué had a particular penchant for the Spanish comedy and directed a lot of movies in all kinds of genres , such as: Comedy : the classical Atraco a las 3 , un millón en la basura , Maribel y la extraña familia , La becerrada , Las que tienen que servir , La Vil Seduccion , Madrid Costa Fleming , Pecados conyugales . Thriller : 091 policia al habla , Tarots . Softcore : No es nada mama es solo un juego , La mujer de la tierra caliente . Giallo : El Ojo Del huracán . Science Fiction : Neus 2431 , among others. Rating 6/10 . The picture will appeal to Spanish drama aficionados and Carmen Sevilla enthusiats,