This film is strikingly similar to Luigi Capoano's "Tiger of the Seven Seas" in some aspects, the most obvious one's being the fact that both film use the same leading actress and to some degree even same action scenes. The Queen of the Pirates is a classic budget peplum film set on the sea, with classic budget (many times hilarious especially if its English version) dubbing and story plot. Sandra (Gianna Maria Canale) is a daughter of a ship-owning merchant Mirko (slavic pirate?). He, together with his previously mentioned daughter and the crew already rebels against the "injustice" by the local authorities by the beginning of the film, and together on their ship Isabella, they head out to sea defeating many more authority-owned ships across the Adriatic Sea. Soon a "deeper story" involving a lover, castles and evil leaders evolves. No use writing any more details. Just watch the film if you like Italian/European 60's budget peplums with some hilarious moments in-between. Take note that the film "Tiger of the Seven Seas" released two years later is actually somewhat better paced (except the battle sequence) as well as more coherent regarding the plot, but do not let that turn you away from this little but daring "gem".