This is one of those films that harks back to the days when people KNEW how to make entertaining comedy as opposed to the sophisticated, bitter and indigestible bilge turned out nowadays ! I have it on DVD and have watched it countless times. It is a cute and feel good film, with a touch of romance. Norman Wisdom is an exceedingly nice person and his "fraîcheur de vivre" is clearly evident in these, his early works.
Humour is obviously a very subjective thing and today's audience, or part of them at least, supposedly sophisticated, but in reality cynical ,bitter, lost and searching for a meaning and a direction to their life will no doubt tax Norman Wisdom as pathetic, silly, childish, heavy-handed, over the top .......the terms abound nowadays ! But that is their sad loss !! I for one, love this stuff and lap it up like a thirsty dog. And why not indeed ! When I am feeling miserable or down in the dumps, I put one of these on and .......Hop ! tout va bien ! ( pardon my French ).
That said, Man of The Moment is one of his better films plot wise and the dose of gestural humour, plot inventiveness, romance and action is just right for the spectator. Really enjoyable. When I see a film like this, I think "Thank God for British Cinema of the Fifties" for I don't know whether I'll still be alive if and when a renaissance of this genre comes !