This is the first film of a trilogy, all dealing with the amorous adventures of Maresciallo Carotenuto, played by Vittorio de Sica, his fruitless efforts and constant adversities, with always something to save him in the end. The first film in this series is the best, completely original and natural, and it made a tremendous box office success, why it was safe to continue the project with two more films. The main cause of its tremendous success was of course Gina Lollobrigida as "la Bersagliera", the prettiest and poorest girl in town. The town in question is located way up in the Abruzzo, the top of the Appennines between Rome and Pescara in the very heart and center of Italy, which is a very poor and rural area prone to earthquakes - Aquila is near by. The Maresciallo is new to the village and happens to be a womanizing bachelor - for some reason he has not been a family success, in spite of his good looks and charming ways - no woman could possibly resist him, and still it never turns out well. Destiny and the obligation of gentlemanly prudence forces him to give up any temptation to the overwhelming naturalness of Gina, as she is too young and has another sheepish cavalier, while his amorous directions instead are directed to the local midwife (Marisa Merlini), a no less charming but more mature and experienced woman in her best age, who appears to have an illegitimate son, though. But the Maresciallo is incurable in his optimism and is happy to settle for her, when the Bersagliera anyway remains hopelessly out of bounds.
It's the absolute naturalness which is the chief charm of this film which makes it perfectly irresistible all the way, the highlight being Gina's furious confinement in the local prison.