Sally Gray weds Patrick Holt, which gives him control over her fortune. When she discovers he's been carrying on an affair, she Investigates a divorce, but it's impossible. However, when it turns out that someone sends Holt a letter that she had run into Dermot Walsh at the lawyers and was seen walking around London with him, his Victorian sense of propriety is offended, and he strikes her. There's a rapprochement, and then he falls ill, is poisoned by his jealous brother Patrick Holt, and dies. Miss Gray goes on trial for the murder.
It's based on an actual murder case, the trial of Florence Maybrick, although those are not the facts of this movie, which is full of men with thundering tempers, an utterly innocent Miss Gray, and loyal servants: just the sort of fillum calculated to appeal to an audience who had made THE MAN IN GREY such a hit a few years before. Brian Desmond Hurst directs capably, but without much conviction.