There are two big surprises about "Hold That Lion!". First, it has an appearance of post-Stooges Curly Howard...making this the only Stooges short with all three Howard brothers (Moe, Shemp and Curly). Second, it's surprisingly funny and worth seeing.
When the short begins, you learn that the Stooges are expecting an inheritance and the executor, Mr. Slipp, has apparently run off with the money! When they try to find him at his office, he attacks them all...beating them up and running away from the boys. So, they head for the train, as Slipp is trying to use it to make his escape. Aboard the train, they spend their time avoiding the conductor since they don't have tickets as well as looking for Slipp. Ultimatley, they accidentally release a lion and hilarity ensues.
Curly Howard had a debilitating stroke the year before this short was made. As a result, his older brother Shemp joined the team (he'd been a Stooge back in the early stage days). Here, Curly remains seated on the train....because he was wheelchair bound at this point. He was offered the bit part to lift his spirits....sadly it was his last film appearance before his early death in 1952.
Overall, this is a pretty funny short. It is more original than many of the Stooge films (many of the Shemp shorts were actually remakes of earlier Stooge shorts) and made me laugh a few times. This, combined with Curly's appearance, make this a must-see for mans.