Funny Joe McDoakes short starring George O'Hanlon. This is the third short in the series but the first since 1942. Apparently the series had been put on hold due to the war. This time Joe is suffering from allergies. We learn Joe has tried everything he can to stop them. The final twist that reveals what Joe was allergic to the whole time is very funny. We're also treated to an amusing look at how allergies affected Joe's ancestor, McGregor McDoakes, who we're told became history's first allergist after walking past a haystack and sneezing. Some of the 'facts' about allergies that narrator Knox Manning spouts sound pretty ridiculous today. Such as "intelligent people or people in the upper & middle income brackets" are more likely to have allergies than others. Another gem is that allergies are more likely to occur in "highly emotional or nervous types." My favorite is that doodling is a sign of having allergies. I'm not sure if this was the actual thinking of the medical community back then or if the makers of the short just threw some old wives' tales in to set up some funny gags. Either way it's a fun look back at how people used to think. Very early appearances for future Charlie Chan star Roland Winters and Barbara Billingsley of Leave It to Beaver fame. Both are in the montage showcasing different types of allergy sufferers. The Joe McDoakes series from WB was a good one with the underrated physical comedy of George O'Hanlon always good for a laugh.