"A Gentleman at Heart" is a light comedy that is unusual...and I really appreciate a film that is unique!
The story begins with Lucky (Milton Berle) trying to cheat his boss' bookmaking business. Instead, the schmuck ends up owing Tony (Cesar Romero) $5000...a debt he would appear to have no chance of ever repaying. But instead of breaking his legs, Tony agrees to take Lucky's inheritance off his hands...and the inheritance is an art gallery. It's not Tony's love of art behind his decision to take the gallery and it's not really money, as the place seems worthless. No, it's because there's a very pretty lady who works there (Carole Landis) and Tony is smitten.
What makes all this interesting is that at heart, Tony is a bit of a crook. So, when he finds an art forger who is incredibly talented, he decides to start passing off fakes as valuable originals. What's next? See the film.
This is a light-hearted time passer...a pleasant comedy with nice acting that is worth seeing but which won't necessarily change your life. Clever...and quite unique.