"Rage in Heaven" belongs to the spate of Freudian movies of the forties: Hitchcock's "spellbound" Lang's "secret beyond the door" Tourneur's "cat people" Stahl's "leave her to heaven" Siodmak's "dark mirror" ,the list is endless.
"Rage in heaven" is an excellent underrated thriller.Although Philip's mother part is underwritten ,she predates the Hitchcockian mums ,those of "Notorious" "Strangers on a train" "Marnie" etc.Robert Montgomery whose character is the most interesting portrays a rich kid,probably victim of his over possessive mother -"he's more attractive than Ward" - A selfish paranoiac man who will not be satisfied till he destroys everything.His behavior makes sense:the cat,then the best friend (the enemy ,for his wife is in love with him),the wife and finally himself ,the doctor explains.
The screenplay might not be thoroughly original,but "Leave her to heaven" (1946) borrows Gene Tierney's diabolical suicide from it,and the final search has something of Cornell Woolrich (aka William Irish) ,notably his "phantom lady".
Three excellent actors,and a gripping story: you will not waste your time.