Very much a curiosity piece rather than high drama, but it does pack a lot in for a 60 minute feature, adventure in Africa, a murder mystery whodunnit , a splash of romance and some wonderful wildlife shots , then onto a bit of anthropology with a glimpse into the lives of the natives, surprisingly for mid 1930s, there are topless shots too. The background story is a discovery of diamonds and a package found next to a dead body, well a skeleton actually, anyhow the package optimistically had an address on it, so the kind prospectors delivered it on their return to London. Mr Wilkins a simple clerk with an oology collection was glad to receive the package from his more adventurous brother, he didn't seem too sad about his death !?. But was keen to get the diamonds and some more eggs for his collection. When the package was finally opened it contained a letter and map of where to find the diamonds. Off they all set in a couple of aeroplanes, getting to Africa in no time at all. It cuts along at a pace, before you can say elephants they are flying over the plains of Africa, taking in aerial shots of the wildlife . On landing they quickly set up camp and get the diamonds, then people start getting killed, is it an old colleague or rival prospectors? As with everything thing else it all gets solved very quickly, ,, the end. The cast are ok and mostly give good performances (for 1930s) it just goes so quickly you don't even have time to ask "how did they,,,,?" ," where did they ,,,?, but I enjoyed none the less, mostly for the wildlife though.