I was born a decade after the events in this series, but knew some of the this and that of the era. Of course, artistic licensing is taken here and historical accuracy is not its point, but what's been created is very engaging and entertaining (thank goodness).
The miniseries draws you in with the writing and the story, and with the likes of Cate Blanchett, Rose Byrne, Sarah Paulson, Jeanne Tripplehorne, Uzo Abudo and the rest of the fantastic supporting cast, you just don't want to shut it off.
Blanchett, of course, knocks it out of the park with her acting, with every thought and emotion written all over her face, while Byrne manages to steal our hearts so we cheer her on, whatever she chooses to do throughout the series. I binged watch this into the early morning hours and can't wait for the remaining episodes to drop!
To be fair, I knew the draw here was its star power and didn't expect much else from the miniseries, but I'm happy to admit I was wrong.