Rocks is the story of a young teenage girl in London who finds herself struggling to take care of herself and her younger brother after being abandoned by their single mother with no choice but to live out on the streets or with friends .
I love working class British films that depict struggle and hardship . It's the reason why Ken Loach is one of my favourite directors. This is a multi BAFTA nominated film that's actually been around since 2019 but because we are going through a period where Woman and Diversity are being picked by all awards associations it's taken it's time to be recognised.
I have to admit that at first , the characters really annoyed me . The way they acted and spoke was so far away from what I'm used to , I found them all irritating but then something happened .
The longer the film went on and more became invested in the struggles of Rocks and her brother , the more I warmed to them .
The acting is really good . Especially from Bukky Bakray . Her brother played by D'angelou Osei Kissiedu is very good as well , I couldn't help be be really impressed with them .
While I enjoyed the film , I'm not sure , under any other circumstances ( Covid and the new diversity policy) it would be good enough to be up for so many BAFTAs but good luck to them anyway.
Rocks is available on Netflix.