Womens liberation movie, that takes you from 1966-1976 california. A girls fight to stay put and fight for her rights as a woman, her rights as a single mum, her right to decide to have a child or not, the right for a decent job for equal pay, and the right to own your own house and property, without the consentual signature from a man...
it may sound like a boring replay of 1000's of film about womens rights, but it aint, its filled with action and feelings, its nonstop plot development, and that maybe the problem to make a movie over this topic, cause its such a humogouse vast issue to tell over 84 minutes. A 2 hour playlength and even a bit longer timeline could have made it even better.
Its a well proped and staged for its era of history, the technical production is good, and the story is told with an ever so increasingly brighter glow, and glow is important cause that is hope, hope for anyone and everyone. The main actress are doing a major job , there aint much looser pattern there.
So the next question is... will they make a sequel to this, there are still a vast empty space to fill until present, and billions of women stories to be told, and as chapter one this was reasonable, and the grumpy old man recommends.