Days when WWE had charismatic guys and girls are long gone.
Instead WWE panders to SJW's, fem-nazis and smark/marks who are only with them because WWE suits their agenda.
95% of the current WWE guys and girls don't have charisma and physical appearance to attract the new eyes on the product. In short today everybody can make it in WWE. Lol, maybe I can be the next WWE star?.
As we all know WWE is a work so as I said you need to have charisma and some physical appearance to attaract new fans but sadly today guys and girls only have "in ring work" in a fake fight in a fake sport.
Wrestling is about stories and characters not long fake matches with no story.
This Wrestlemania showed a middle finger to all of the fans who have sticked with WWF/WWE in their hard times when they almost went down in Mondy Night Wars.
Rather to listen to the fans who have left the product (and that is like 75%) they listen to a small audience who have no real loyalty to WWE as I said.
Today wrestling needs a new WCW because competition in wrestling is needed seriously.