This movie is not a movie. This is amateur video with some of not funny humor, pseudo-stars from redneck Russian TV-channel and amorale situation. This video hasn't story because it''s scetches. It has only... It has nothing good! Bad actors. Bad idea. Bad cameraman. All bad!
Garik Kharlamov looks like bad and unfunny cloun. Alexandr Revva downed from his hit Arthur Pirozhkov to this movie. All wimens looks like prostitute. Poor Ivan Okhlobystin. He was good actor in Solovey-razboynik. There he is also good actor, but this bad movie so bad, that Ivan looks really poor.
And this video released in cinema! This video has price for watching them on big screens. The price is 300 RUB! For look it at Russian cinema. Why? Why in Russia some persons go on them?
In fact. In this movie Stalin looks like cloun.