You will want 1h40min back of your life if you watch this. Complete failure of a movie, lots of "silent dilaogue" and nothing happening, complete absence of thrill. The entire film could've been wrapped up in 22min max, the screen play had lot potential as it was shot in beautiful Stockholm (which you get to see for 20sec), and vibrating Belgrade, but the rookie director got it all wrong in this film. Still can't figure out how a decent actor as Trifunovic actually agreed to be a part of this lousy, dull, zero entertainment movie, he must be in serious need of cash or going through a crisis in his otherwise, decent career.
Avoid at all costs, definetely not worth it. Only scene worth mentioning, is when Vida storms out of the restaurant to have a smoke, and meets this guy sitting at the stares outside. He shares his 45sec story about how his wife left him, with his kid, and never came back. I guarantee you that you would switch channel if you saw this at home, or like us, would want to leave the cinema after 40min max, as it's boring with no charm whatsoever, and stays that way throughout the entire film. No momentum, no story, no drama, wakes zero feelings inside you. Sorry to say it, but a disaster.