An utterly bizarre fusion of Christmas and medieval fantasy that was seemingly trying to give an origin to Christmas dinner but actually didn't have any resolution or seemingly any point.
The main character is sent back in time to an unspecified setting and location. He never thinks to ask why or where he is, or even try to explain to anyone that Santa has inexplicably cursed him with this situation. No, it's not ever addressed again. Despite the short run length it is plentiful with its religious overtones.
Clearly some actors are really, really trying but the script has so many bizarre holes and the plot seems to be stretched very thin. Other actors seem to be in a world of their own and never seem to act appropriately (for example, one character upon hearing good news just starts laughing for the rest of the event).
The music is loud and mawkish, but the sound is badly mixed and dialogue is often lost. The humour is heavy handed, stereotypical and predictable.
At 37 minutes it's barely a movie and it's a huge flop.