Poor mans version of Casualties Of War with Sean Penn but it is ultra low budget so you have to keep expectations in line with this which most reviewers forget - Having said that it was a boring story with not much action, most of which was poorly choreographed and very unrealistic, with the usual machine guns firing as if they had unlimited amounts of ammo, silly Vietnamese in brand new cloned bamboo hats and ultra clean clothing which further detracts from the supposed Jungle this is supposed to be set in.
Add to this the copious amount of vulgar language and its a fail.
What is it with film makers these days, they seem to think they have to cater to the lowest common denominator with scenes replete with foul language which in most places is totally unnecessary and it is not just this movie but some of the big ones, heck even Picard and Star Trek are now getting involved; I thought we were supposed to be more advanced in the future but it seems we need the "f" word prefacing every sentence these days to cater for the knuckle draggers that society seems to becoming. The days of great acting, script with no need for intense sex scenes, foul language of the worst kind or brutality seem to be a distant memory - How sad and this is what the younger generation learn from, is it no wonder society is in retrograde evolution. In short this movie exemplifies the lack of intellect and vocabulary in society these days which is very sad, it does not add to the movie, it detracts from the movie which sadly this director seems to have missed - some of us are fed up with it, almost as bad as the woke narrative that also weaves its way into this film, I am just surprised there was not a trans GI or gay scene added for extra wokeness!
The acting was not of stellar variety but it is not as bad as some of the reviews make out; they seem to get better as the film proceeds (Learning on the job methinks) but without a decent script or convincing scenario the thing falls flatter than a snakes belly!