Since the first trailer for Dear White People was released it was subjected to loads of hate despite no one actually knowing what the show was. So why am I surprised to see the show receive the same hate from casual viewers as it did when the first trailer was released? I guess I expected more from reviewers. I expected them to actually watch the show rather just get upset over the title. Dear White People is not racist, it is an extremely intelligent and relevant commentary on the country that we live in today. The show follows the story of a "black-face" party being thrown on a college campus and how a number of main characters react to such an atrocious event taking place. One African American civil rights activist uses the event as fuel for her own campus radio show titled "Dear White People," going over the problems that her and many others see with how white people in particular interact with other races. This is the main story ark and it is a very interesting one at that, with each episode adding something to the story. This shows story is acceptable because the way these characters react is very believable and natural. If a "black face" party was actually thrown on a college campus, such an outcry would be expected by the populous. A name like "Dear White People" is meant to be controversial, it's meant to get peoples attention. They literally touch ion the title of the show in the very first episode of the show. The way people reacted to the title of this show in the real world only adds too the realism of the show. I know this title would grab peoples attention, because I witnessed it happen. No this show is not perfect, it definitely has its slumps. At times episodes seem to drag and become more a slow burn than preferred but most of my complaints are minor. All of the performances are amazing for the most part, but every once in awhile sub par writing can break the immersion. No spoilers in this review, do yourself a favor and watch the show for yourself. Do not listen to all of the 1 star reviews written by people who haven't even watched the show. Do not listen to the "This show is racist" reviews where the reviewer gives you no substance as to why they feel that way about the show. Watch the show for yourself. Its a good show, and I'd be willing to bet that you find some enjoyment in "Dear White People."