Most of this show is enjoyable. It's a warm funny series with some laugh out loud moments and some touching parts too. The dialog is well written. All told with a comic tone that keeps things light and entertaining and moving along. The story has some familiar plot devices like the birth secret but they are handled freshly. There are a few faults. Some of the acting cute segments were annoying and there was an out of place small twist in the end. But I looked forward to each episode. And you get a lot of closure with a complete ending.
The cast is great. Namkoong Min acts the comic romantic part well here. He played a villain to perfection the year before in Remember War Of the Son. What a difference. Bang MinAh of GIrl's Day does a great job at acting as the plain girl with a lovable personality - so different from her K Pop persona. On Joo Wan as the kind Jun Soo is quite likable. The parents of Gong Shim and the cousin Jun Soo are quite funny and well cast too and may be familiar to K drama fans. The villains are good too like the selfish sister.
Another very enjoyable show "My Love by My Side" has a slightly similar comic vibe and birth secret and features some of the same cast like grandmother and On Joo Wan.