I recently watched the Chiba classic Yakuza Wolf (1972) on Prime. The story revolves around a man seeking revenge for his father's murder and sister's kidnapping by orchestrating a gang war to exploit the vulnerability of those responsible to save his sister.
This picture is directed by Ryûichi Takamori (Bodyguard 1 & 2) and stars Sonny Chiba (Street Fighter), Kôji Nanbara (Branded to Kill), Makoto Sato (The Hidden Fortress) and Yayoi Watanabe (Kamen Rider).
Yakuza Wolf delivers an exhilarating action experience on every front. Sonny Chiba portrays a compelling and relentless hero, making it easy to root for him. The film includes a plethora of sex scenes and nudity, particularly in the opening scene. The soundtrack is excellent, complemented by skillful weapon use and a memorable opioid house scene. The action sequences are both tremendous and random.
In conclusion, Yakuza Wolf stands out as another exceptional Chiba action film, boasting extreme violence, ample nudity, and a whole lot of fun. I would give it a 7-7.5/10 and strongly recommend it.