Were as the first two entries did deliver pure gore and horror this next part in the franchise isn't the best. It do offer some gory moments but there also shorts that make you go, what is this and what has it to do with the ABC franchise.
All shorts are only 3 minutes long and so you have to put all the segments to make it a horror or a watchable flick into those moments. And that's the problem with this compilation. There are parts that like the first one you are thinking oh yes, this is gonna be a hell of a ride because it did contain gore but also absurd moments. And there are a few with that kind of story. Just have a look at ABC 1 and 2. The time the short take were overall longer and you were sucked into the story. here you are left sometimes with a bitter feeling, it's like these shorts were leftovers.
It do has a bit of gore here and there but I can't say that it is something of a gore galore compilation. Just another mediocre entry.
Gore 1/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5