HEY EVERBDY ITS ME (4) and today we review ..... farts ....the movie ....
silent but deadly .....
i mean .... sure why not .... NOW lets make something clear here not too many mime films out there ..... the most recent rise to fame of terrifier's art the "clown" in fact he IS a mime and no one seems to understand that is mind blowing to me .... and of course now that i am publicly pointing that out ..some other famous youtuber will come along and say it and well ...of course he figured it out first ....no no ...its FFFIINNNEEEEE i dont want the credit ..... no one care about me or anything ....just like being back at home .....
ANYWAYS .... this film starts out letting you know what it is ...and that is a film that is having fun with itself ... and not to be taken seriously ....and well YEA it doesnt , its a film about a killer mime ....and mime crime ....and crimes against mimes .....and other words that rhyme ..like lime ... and thyme ..... suck it eminem ...so other than the audio having some REALLY bad jump scars in store (not on purpose though) the over all quality of the film is pretty good, the lighting throughout is well don, the acting is ....well you know ..... but thats okay because again they DID warn you .... the FX are from what i could tell terrible but im not sure how much was edited out for youtube and what was there so im a bit lost for that ....the story was basic .......
i mean its a cheesy comedy horror film having a good time and thats the point , its not trying to be some high rollling 20 million dollar film its trying to be something youll throw on and have some laughs about ....and its did that just fine