If it's something you think you might like, I think you will.
Thirteen Terrors is a series of horror stories whose only connection is that the protagonists are teenagers. Is it aimed at teenagers? Kind of-- none of the stories are particularly deep or sophisticated, and most are pretty simple morality tales where the protagonist gets punished for some ethical lapse. But it's not really PG-13 either, at least not in the American sense; some of these stories are pretty gruesome, and TT has no qualms with showing the fallout from, say, a back alley abortion gone wrong.
Pacing is relatively good-- the stories could stand to be 10% shorter, maybe. There are jump scares, but not left and right. Some might consider the soundtrack overwrought, but I think it works well here.
Most of the stories are varieties of good person does something vaguely wrong and gets haunted for it. In keeping with SE Asian horror, there are few happy endings. Stories aren't brilliant originals, but neither are they tired retreads. Acting is good. Budget is a bit on the low side, and it sometimes feels a little '80s/'90s, but as with the soundtrack, I think that's something that works in TT's favor here.
If I haven't turned you off with my faint praise, you haven't anything against Asian horror/subtitles, and you've already watched the great horror movies, you could definitely do a lot worse. TT is fun and does what it says on the tin.