Synopsis- What is that thing Jack is building in his cellar? How could such a device be used? Perhaps it has something to do with that creature out in the woods...
Now I still don't know who Jack built it for, but I know what it was that he built! And I must say I just wanted more!!! With no dialogue, this film is driven with amazing acting by its one and only star Timothy J Cox (the amazing lead previously who played Tim in Dark Romance). Through his actions, facial expressions and body language alone, we are drawn into Jack's life and able to become anxious of what he is doing. I loved the score!! Its haunting grating tubular sounds mixing with a synthetic electro vibe, just sets the mood with sheer perfection. We feel the heightened fear and anxiety, we sense the fluidity of the movement on camera, and we fear the thing that is coming. The setting was awesome. Simple, effective and fit every aspect of the story in very little. The forest was gorgeous. Lush vegetation and the perfect location for this story to evolve. Natural beauty taking on a character of its own. I cannot fault this. I am eager to see this perhaps evolve further (or just their future films) and am loving the evolution of what they've created!