Not everything that makes it out from the depths of the South Korean cinema. This movie was definitely not a shining nugget. One might actually be tempted to say that it would have been better to let this particular movie rest in piece beneath the manhole and not disturb it any further.
First and foremost, it cannot be states enough how very, very boring the storyline is in this South Korean movie. It was just unfathomably slow paced and offered nothing of much interest at any point throughout the course of the movie. I found myself rapidly losing interest in the story a couple of times throughout the course of the movie, but I endured, simply because I thought it might pick up and become more interesting. But it didn't!
It should be said that "Manhole" (aka "Maen-hol") did have a very interesting cast ensemble that performed adequately. Just a horribly shame that they had absolutely nothing to work with in terms of script and storyline. The actors and actresses were cruelly deprived of anything worthwhile to work with on the screen, which restricted their performance on a grievous level.
If you enjoy the South Korean cinema even half as much as I do, then you would be doing yourself a favor by staying well clear of the snoozefest that is "Manhole", unless you are having problems falling asleep, then by all means indulge yourself...